Sunday, December 15, 2013

Good bye Kaida

It has been 2 years since I have posted anything.  Sadly, Kaida passed away this fall.  She became sick, and within 2 days, passed away.  I miss her and I think my people do too.

Here are some photos of her in the last couple of years.

I always would take the box to sit in, since I love boxes-she waited patiently for me to be done in the box and then she would take her turn.

and here she is -again waiting patiently.  She was much more patient than I am.

Here she is playing with cat nip!

she loved to rest this way on her back...she was cute when she did it.

here she is resting on Nalanis purse. 
she rested on everything, if you put something down, she would climb up onto it, claiming it for a bed to rest on. 

she also liked to curl up like this and rest on the couch-where it was soft.  She was cute.

our owners only gives us a bath once a year, I guess that is a lot better than other cats have to go thru.  She never minded her bath, I on the other hand would cry and cry. 

Here I am at the beginning of my bath.
she always sat outside the door and would wait for me until my bath was done. she wanted to be sure I was ok.

this is me after my bath, I hate baths, and I would not sit outside the door waiting for her bath to be way

here she is resting again...she rested a lot in the last year of her life.

and here she is outside in the summer.

Good bye my are missed
