Sunday, October 25, 2009

Kaida waits...outside

Well, here is Kaida, waiting at the back door...

She is not the 'favorite' after all!

Oh if only it was raining...
he! He!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Todds big hunting trip

ok, here I am in my jungle hunting. But no 'game' tonight. I still like to sit here and wait and watch...
Maybe something will show up eventually...

maybe a bunny or a mouse will wander by...

Then again, maybe not...seems to me the game is not as abundant as it use to be...I wonder why?

Oh yes, the farmer has started allowing the cows, horse, sheep and goats to graze closer to my hunting grounds. see that electric tape running (white) in the background by the garden, it is his temp fence...thanks farmer...

And then there is Draco...He is allowed to 'run' wild now inside this fenced in part...

I think that stupid dog - Draco- scared off all of the wild game...

Oh I give up- I guess I will just wander back inside...

Thanks a lot Draco dog...


Thursday, October 15, 2009

owner visits...

Well my owner came home to see me...but I think she loves her sister more than me...she hangs out with her all the time, and here I sit. quietly waiting, and when she shows up...boom...a bath. I get another bath. That is more than 2 a year now! They gave me another bath!!

BATH!! I hate bathes!

The one thing new is my slippers (shown here) was turned into some cat nip toys. they stuffed cat nip into them and closed them up and addend some string to it and wow! A fun toy!

So no more funny looking things for my paws,,,

Well, the owner gets to visit again, but I am not gonna tell you when. It is a secret (security reasons) and then after I will tell you about it!!

gotta really, I really gotta 'go'


Friday, October 9, 2009

my Owner will visit!!

My owner is coming home to see me this weekend!!!

Here I am with my new slippers on my front paws...

I hope that she likes them!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Kaida gets her bath

Well, Here it it was my turn for a bath...

the farmers daughter said I keep my fur cleaner than Todd does, it showed by how it did not absorb water...

that was nice of her.

Here she is pouring water on me...I was not scared at all...

I did not even meow (unlike some scare-dy toddy cat we know)

See. I did not try to get out of the tub, and I did not claw the farmers daughter like some other cat we know who I will not name (cough-todd)

Lather up the soap... They did not see any fleas either....hummm???? I wonder why? Perhaps self bathing helps with this???


now the waiting as the flea soap works its magic on my 'no fleas'

My tail looks like a rats tail...I do not like that part...

Well all done! Now to dry off!


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Does Kaida have sympthany?

This is me, I am sitting outside the door as Todd has his bath...
Yes I heard his cry and went to the door...
His crying meows were stressing me


Monday, October 5, 2009

Bath time

Well that oldest daughter of the farmer and his wife came to see me again...and it was not good...

Here I am trapped inside the 'bathing' room. She picked me up, and pretended to pet me and talk nice to me, then she began walking..

walking...and we went towards the 'bathing room'...I began to cry out-meow Meow MEow MEOw MEOW MEOW louder as we got closer to the bathroom, and bath tub. And deeper deeper MEOW but nothing changed her direction. Then the door closed. You can see me above tring to get out..but she did not open the door...(oh to have opposing thumbs like a human...only then could I open the door) She turned on the water, and my meow deepened...I was just about hysterical ...

Then she put me into the tub and under the memories came back of when I was a kitten and fell into the pool....

"NO" I meowed..."I DON"T HAVE FLEAS"

But then the fleas started floating away..
....they betrayed me...and after I let them live on me...'TRAITORS" I yelled..."TRAITORS!" "see If I let your off spring live on me...oh wait, that soap and junk will keep them off too...I have no leverage here..."

more water...

It took some effort to wet my fur down well...I guess it has to be completely wet before they wash me..

I was so scared.../fur was flying off due to my anxiety...

Now the soap...

well at least they are 1/3 of the way done...

but I am still scared....

and they have to start with the head and neck...

oh the water....the water...

Suds it up quickly girl!!!

and the farmer's wife there she is...just giggling with the camera in her hands....

finally the rinse begins.....

First the dreaded cup.....I hate the cup...

she uses it over my head...

I turned and jumped up onto the person washing me...I got my claw into her chin, and head.....

they removed the claws and then she picks me up and puts me under the water...Oh No!!

Rinse fast!

Rinse fast!

Please rinse fast!!!

Yes the close up...that makes her rinse faster... it did not...

oh How I hate the water...

Then they hold me up to 'drain' and ...

They say 'I look like a drowned rat'

they say.that laughing.....yes you would I too I mumble...if I put you under a water fall and then just hoisted you up into the air...

And then is the towel...

that is me under that towel...

Here I am toweled off...

Here is the scrape I placed on the farmers oldest daughters head...Ha! revenge..!!

so here I am, finally I am done..
Hopefully no bath now for at least a few months....maybe I can make it to the spring...


Friday, October 2, 2009

The PAW!!!

Well the other day the farmer's oldest daughter came over to visit. She spent time with me...

She did not want Kaida to feel left out, so she also held her.

At the same time...

I was worried as you can see, I know how she is...mean

Look at her!!!

(she had been out side too long again...and she always blames me for that!)

And then ...

Out of know where...

came that paw!
