Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Im in trouble again! Kaida blames me again!

Here I am going out hunting the other day.

I like to sit here by the fence and watch for rabbits and field mice. I usually find one a week or more.

Now I do not mind being out late or during the night. The farmer and his wife usually make me come inside in the evening. But I am ok to stay out all night. After all I can sleep all day..

But last night, the farmers wife got up in the middle of the night, and sat up for a while on the computer, so I decided to eat a bite of food and then began to meow to go out. she let me out. Soon Kaida followed me out side. I knew there would be a cost to that decision and I would be the one to have to pay it!

sure enough --in the morning, she was mad at me. she always blames me if she is out all night, like I am the one keeping her outside. Boy do i get tired of her hissing. It is funny though, the farmers wife will hiss back at her. She puts her in her place~!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Why does Todd get to sleep all day???

Todd sleeps all day again....
Will he ever get his nights and days straightened out???

Mean while I have to be up...

well sometimes I get to take a nap...


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Todd waits to go outside for the day..

Well here I am trying to get out in the morning...

I have to wait until the farmer and his wife get up in the morning. Sometimes that is a very long time...I think it is anyway. They do not even keep the back door open so I can see out like this...I just have to wait.
While I wait I often just sleep...

And I really do not know who that guy is sitting with me...really...

Here is how Kaida looks when she sleeps...

So here I am ...just waiting...

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nalani comes home for a visit!

Well, my owner came home from college this weekend for a while. She visited with me, but also spent time with her sister, I am in competition for her time with her sister...Here is her sister. Their mom was driving them around in town, here they are at the the drive thru part, see Nalani signing her name on some paper to get out some money.

Isn't my owner just beautiful?!

Her sister was there too...

They took her back to college.

Here is a photo of Nalani at her you can see she does not like her photo taken at all.

Here are photos of us, dont you think we look alike? People often look like their pets or is it pets often look like their owners?


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Todd -gift of a bunny rejected by the farmers wife!

Todd strolls in after being out almost all night!

Todd seems to think that
he can just stay out as long as he wants to. He says he is hunting....but we wonder!
The other day he had a baby rabbit he brought to the back door. The farmers wife heard the bunny cry out (yes rabbits can make a sound when they are in trouble or hurt) so she got up and went to the back door. There she found Todd sitting at the back door with a rabbit (baby one) in his jaws. He sat it down, apparently giving it to her as a gift, but alas, she rejected it, and would not open the door. She said she did not want a bunny in the house! She told him to go eat it somewhere else. The baby bunny ran off and Todd gave her a look as if to say "sigh, now I have to go catch it again." So off he went. About a half an hour later, he was back. The same thing happened, and the farmers wife again said no-I do not want that in the house. Off the bunny ran. Todd left again and hunted it down -he later ate it out in the yard somewhere.
The photos below are when he finally 'strolled' in after a late night!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Todd gets caught at the computer!!!

See! Here he is just a typing away!

As soon as he saw someone he tried to get down and pretend that he was not typing...I did not see a new post from him yet, he probably saved it as a draft and will finish it later, but while he was being talked to by the farmers wife, I got up here and sent this message...and the photos I took using the farmers camera.
So, He was caught, I on the other hand, am more sneaky than he is, so I will never be caught!
Yes, the woman farmer got up and found Todd at the computer!

See the evidence! HA! Meow! I am the Best! Kaida Kitty rules and Todd kitty drools!


Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I am NOT a peeping Tom Cat...and I did not 'inhale!'

Oh that inhaling thing, well....I will explaaaaain that later (sorry mr Clinton-gotta be honest here)

Well I am NOT a peeping 'Tom cat' either. I know that this photo and the others in her post look incriminating, but really, I am NOT a peeping tom cat. I am really not even a 'tom' cat anymore (thanks to that vet).
I just like to hang out looking into windows! And really only this one window at the 'farmer's' house!
That Kaida just likes to cause trouble.

She struck the 'farmer' today with her paw...he said maybe he would not feed her again if she couldn't be nicer...
What he did not know I had threatened her earlier! Ha Ha!
I am still in control!
On sunny days this is one place I like to be too, right at the back door, on this bench. That way I can sneak in when I want to.

I think that maybe Kaida should stay behing this cage...sort of like a jail...I will work on that!


Monday, September 7, 2009

Todd - is he the neighborhood window weirdo?

This is what the people see when Todd wants in....I think it is a funny view....
Now that I have also learned how to take photos with their camera, I will be watching Todd more often...trying to catch him in action doing things he should not do! I will get him in trouble someday. Well I think it is funny that this is what he does to get in to the house....the people just look at him and laugh sometimes...

Sometimes he will sit there in the rain or snow or sleet...

See how he just waits and waits ....
see how he has to meow and meow...tee hee..I let him do this !! Soon the people will let us both in, I just have to sit and wait for Todd to do all the meowing...That way I never have to Meow...!!!

After this they finally let him in side...


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Just an update on my kitty life...

This is Kaida when she is grouchy. See how mean she looks...
Friday evening our people went away, and they did not get home until after 1 am! We both had to stay outside until then! boy was Kaida grouch again.

Today the people have some of their grand children over, although I let them spend time with me and pet me, I need to hide to just take a nap.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Well, last night the people forgot to let Kaida in. So this morning she was not in a good mood. As soon as they let her in, she began hissing at me, like it was my fault! Like I made them keep her out side all night (cough-I did-cough) . Well I just sat there and looked at her, and that just made her madder. So she slapped me with her front paw. Women. cant live with them and cant live without them...wait...maybe I can....


Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Todd gets back at Kaida...

Well, I see that our friendly Kaida has again posted about me, Todd, just because I was out most of the night. And that guy. Really. I am NOT gay! We were just friends! I have famous friends!
Well since she posted such slander about me, here is her after a night out! Look she glows!
