Monday, November 30, 2009


My owner was home and she shares her drink of water with one else does that for me...they usually make me drink water out of a special silver cat dish...

Truth be told, my owner does not drink out of the glass though after I drink out of it...she must think I have some kitty thing that she does not want. Her mom was not happy about her giving me water out of the glass.

sometimes if the silver bowl is empty, I will climb up on the sink in the bathroom and try to drink out of the sink as the faucet drips....the farmers wife likes to turn on the water for me if she finds me doing this...


Sunday, November 22, 2009

Todd happy about owner visiting soon!

My owner is coming home...she

will have a break from school

and come to see

me! Yes she will come to see me, not that her

parents are not more important, but-well, NO I AM MUCH MORE IMPORTANT!!! yes I am!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

TODD caught in his unddies

Here is

Todd with his owner.....

Who thinks he is just the cutest little kitten around...

Her mother thinks she is cuter than Todd, and after the mother has removed Todd from the dining room table where he thinks he is allowed to sleep, I think she might just turn him into a dinner sometime for Draco the dog if he does not stay off of that table! So this might be the last hug he gets from her if he is not careful....

Here is Todd in his unddies...He calls them his pajamas but we know better....

He was specially fitted in them by the owners sister, Anastasia...


Sunday, November 15, 2009

Kaida gets high on cat nip!

KAIDA plays in the cat nip, and developes a kitty high...

she also gets a little highly stressed....

but she does have fun with she is chewing on a stem of cat nip......

and by the eyes, you see she is beginning to get a
kitty buzz....

yes, relaxed now....

this is the next kitty cat nip hang over

wait, maybe a little one...

yes just a little bit!


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

todd caught in a dress again...


Is he kitty cross dressing?????

Todd spends his nights either sleeping all night or out hunting all night...

His mornings are then spent sleeping if he was out all night,
will he ever just stay home???

Maybe if he can

always wear these dresses

and now that he has been caught

dressing in dresses...

he has the freedom to

wear them more often.....


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Well Todd is in trouble, he likes to sleep on the table, and he is not allowed up there. I think that he tries to get away from me...

Well he had a hair ball problem, so the farmers wife found his mess, on her grandchildrens magazine, not good...hairball...mess...trouble...

I-- on the other hand am just beautiful,
all dressed up...
I am cute...I am cute...I am cute...
Todd is in trouble...
Todd is in trouble...
Todd is in trouble...

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Has Todd been hiding something?

Todd caught wearing a dress...Oh this is so wrong Todd, so wrong!


Monday, November 2, 2009

Todd shares his security issues....

Well, here I am..I was found in this basket...
I love to sleep in boxes and baskets, I am
weird I know, but I still like the feeling of security that an enclosed place provides me....

I like boxes...
I like paper bags...
I like baskets....

But what is a cat to say? Meow?
well then...meow!
